Tingom.com: Welcome to the Tingom web site

Last updated March 15, 2004


Tingom Family, Chris, George, Brook (now married), Barbara in Washington state Thanks for visiting! Feel free to bookmark this site which is updated frequently with new pictures, notes, and other information about the Tingom family.

Email Chris Tingom if you want to get email setup for @Tingom.com forwarding (it is setup to forward to your existing email account).

Gallery of photos from our Norway trip, choose from NORWAY, SWEDEN, or ENGLAND picture galleries.


GREAT PHOTO IN NORWAY That I took in August 2001 but appear to have missed scanning earlier!
Long Beach November 2001 Photos, Here!
Gallery of photos from our Norway trip, choose from NORWAY, SWEDEN, or ENGLAND picture galleries.
Norway Click HERE to see 3 great photos from Norway!

Some photos from our NORWAY TRIP! August 2000. Photo gallery by George Tingom.

Benjamin Judah was born to Brook and Israel on June 19th, 2000. Click here for pictures!
Photos of Tingom relatives
Photos of our visit with Carl-Johan Ivarsson at his home in Sweden Summer 2000.
A newspaper article from the 1960s about the Eli Johnson family and specifically how they faught in 3 wars.
Photos from old Tingom slides...

The death certificate of Gilbert Tingom. He was born March 12, 1845 and Died January 25, 1926.

A better view of Norway through this scanned map...
Gilbert Tingom photo (he's the one on the right)

Norway Map with Tønjum Highlighted
Tønjum, Norway, is visible in this map (center).


E-mail Chris if you want free Tingom.com POP email addresses (or I can do forwards, too).

Tonjum: road sign in Norway
Road sign in Tønjum Norway, Photo by Chris Tingom
Tønjum Church in Tønjum Norway, Photo by Chris Tingom
Tønjum Church in Tønjum Norway, Photo by Chris Tingom

Also visit: http://tinjum.tripod.com which Lori Tinjum has put together which has some good information.


Reindeer in Norway, Photo copyright 2000 Chris Tingom

Sheep in Norway, Photo copyright 2000 Chris Tingom

Tornado Design